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Soccer is life.

Soccer is Life

by Mani

Life. Soccer is my life.

You have yours I have mine.

Blood sweat and the rare occasion of a tear ,

I lay it all on the field to win,

Failure is not an option.

it’s a consequence for not working enough.

Rainy, sunny, in tornadoes, in a hurricane,

you’ll see me workin’.

To be better than the last game.

To win, to progress.

No time for video games.

No time for social media .

You don’t become the best overnight,

you have to work every single day,

to be the best that you can be.

How do you think pros got to where they are?

They work every single day of their lives.

Every day.

Yes people will doubt you.

People will hate.

Get off your butt and get to work.

People will hate, that’s why you will prove them wrong.

Our generation is all about the digital world.

That just disgusts me

it’s a gorgeous day outside and you’re on your phone


no other words to explain.

Some people give up before mid field.

I say don’t play.

if you’re not gonna work, get off my team.

I work hard,

then I play hard.

work hard every single day,

then on Sunday we worship God,

then we rest.



                                                   soccer is my life.                                               



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