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Social Anxiety

Jannet Massey. Poet Warrior. 

Social Anxiety


The internet limits the definition

Of social anxiety to:

“Fear of situations in which one may be 

judged or embarrassed.”

I feel that is a blatant understatement.

To me, social anxiety is stressing over something I said five minutes ago

Or five years ago.

It is

Feeling like I would rather get a zero

Than to present a project

I worked hours on.

It is

The conscious in my mind

Telling me I’m annoying someone, even after they deny it.

It is

Fear of sharing my personal opinion

Because it may offend someone,


They may disagree.

It is

Fear of asking questions

Because I will sound uneducated and ignorant.

It is

Fear of talking to certain people

Just because their minds are too beautiful, clean, and pure

To stain with the sound of my voice.

The internet limits the definition of social anxiety to:

“Fear of situations in which one may be 

judged or embarrassed.”

I know that is a blatant understatement.

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