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Society: Public Enemy #1

Society: Public Enemy #1

My family always taught me

To steer clear from the ghetto

Which is funny to me because

I’ve always found more comfort and love in the presence of a “hood rat”

My elders always taught me

How it looks when adults abuse their power

That’s funny to me because

I’ve never been intrigued by being the dominator

My friends always taught me

That even the ones closest to you can feed you lies

Which I find hilarious because

I’ve never viewed myself as “close” to anyone

My city is blood thirsty and draining

My family is controlling and demeaning

My neighborhood is distant

And me, I’m lost

But it wasn’t until society rejected me when I figured that out.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (67%)
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  • Somber (17%)
  • Surprised (17%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
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