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Sorrow and Scars

by Laura Delgado Garcia
Pioneer Charter School

room full of sorrow,
body full of scars.
you may ask why?
walking into laughter in lunch
why? because she cuts.

being in a dark room
full of sorrow
being in an empty house

a smile wouldn’t hide her tears,
there was never a smile,
simply an empty cold heart

she is done.
she was rushed to a hospital
she sees her mom in tears
as she hugs her.
laying in bed feeling shame
she has disappointed her mommy.

waking up terrified.
she dreamed of heaven.
mother in tears as if she had lost her baby
as if her whole world was lost…
room full of sorrow.. body full of scars

This poem makes me...
  • Think (6%)
  • Smile (25%)
  • Somber (31%)
  • Surprised (6%)
  • Feel a Connection (19%)
  • Inspired (13%)
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