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Standing Rock, NM

Standing Rock, NM by Brennen McNeal

I travel to the upper area of the land

walking from a housing built on a rare field.

The afternoon is quiet

with the simplest sounds echoing in the area

The clean air, with the smell of the nearby juniper trees

and the little animals traveling home


At the top of the hill

I can see the beautiful landscape

Glowing red in the sunlight

With a soft chilling wind.


The area is clean with hardly any litter and is only lit up

By moonlight rather than stoplights, headlights, or stores.

The sky is clear and you can see millions of stars

Unlike the city where all you can see is brown cloud.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (17%)
  • Smile (25%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (8%)
  • Feel a Connection (33%)
  • Inspired (17%)
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