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Stop Deporting!!

Stop Deporting!!

By Stephanie Manuel

Just imagine people facing danger and sometimes even death some of those leave their loved ones behind and might never see them again in their lives, this is like leaving their family in the dark and  hoping a light will come to see them again in their lives.

So STOP. STOP deporting people that have come here only because they want whats best for their families or themselves.

Don’t  you want the same!
They don’t risk their lives to die when they cross the border only because they want to party all night.
It’s not easy for them to immigrant.
Its like going threw the wild to go somewhere they have hope.

STOP. If they have the same dream as we do, a future , better opportunities.

Why should we stop them?

So why sent them back where they came from where there’s no hope in accomplishing their goal in life this is like saying “The dog is dead but we can keep it anyway”

How are they different from us? What have they done to us?
This can look like putting someone in jail for wanting what’s best for themselves or for their family.

STOP!! They are just innocent people.

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