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Stop It, Stop It

Stop It, Stop It
-In the point of view of all murder victims; girls and women-
by Korie Novaton

Stop it, stop it you’re hurting me
I want my family as you see
Grabbing me
Raping me
And then beating me, isn’t okay
Change for the sake of your life
Killing me isn’t going to help
Why did you do this to me? Did I…
Hurt you
Bother you, or even
Stole from you, said mean things to hurt you and your loved ones
I have a milkshake (body) bagels (breasts) and a biscuit (booty) that’s nothing that will satisfy you

I did nothing, I’m just a regular girl who came to live life
I never came to be used as a toy to be played with and demolished
I wanted to live life

Change murderer change, help your family and your life, including yourself, be better
Look around you, kids, adults, and people are kidnapped because of you
The devil is not your praise, God is
Look in the mirror and find your place, be you, the real you, not something that the devil wants you to be

Stop it, stop it you are hurting me

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