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Stop The Violence By Lynniya Dew Learn 8

Let Us Come Together 


Our Young People Are Dying Today And Tommorow,

And All That Is Felt Is Pain And Sorrow.

I Sometimes Wonder If We’ll Ever Get Ahead,

With All The Stabbings And Shootings 

That Leave So Many Young People Dead .

We Don’t Fear Anything Anymore,

Only A Youth With A Gun,

Wanting To Start A War.

I Wonder How Many More Young

People Will Die These Coming Years,

To Bring Their Parents To Tears.

It’s Time We Put Down  The Guns

And Throw Away The Knives, And Stop

Shedding The Blood Of So Many Young Lives.

Life Is To Short To Have Sorrow,

You Can Be Here Today And Gone Tommorow.

Then There’s No Second Chances To Do Things Right,

No Second Chances To Follow The Light.

Now Today People…I Dont Know What Your Gonna Do

But Always Remember

God Is Watching You!!!

By: Lynniya L. Dew

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