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by Hernan Perez


We walk past each other but don’t say a word
we just smile and wave
its not that i don’t want to be your friend
but making friends doesn’t come easy to me

but sometimes i can’t help but wonder
if you like to ride a penny board down the street
while blasting schoolboy Q or The Weeknd

i wonder if you like the sound of bugs you’re too afraid to come near at night
or if you like the smell of cedar wood
burning in the camp fire
do you like the cold breeze
that makes you want to get closer to the flames

i wonder if you like the sound of leafs crunching under your feet
as you walk  as you walked down a trail that seems to be forgotten
i wonder if you even like the outdoors as much as i do

i wonder if you like bacon burgers
do you ask for extra bacon
or do you just let the cook decide how much bacon you really need
as if he knew what was good for you

This poem makes me...
  • Think (8%)
  • Smile (33%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (8%)
  • Feel a Connection (42%)
  • Inspired (8%)
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