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By: Leandra McDonald

I would see people hurt

That are going

Trough a lot of trouble


To me it seems like those

People would go through it

For 1 year.


The day of harsh times.

People wonder of

Stress days.


The freeze cold day set of a weak day.

To me, I think to myself…

Never do wrong things that is not worth or


Risk  anything.

The people maybe

Starve like dogs that

Are on streets of

Blizzard days.


The night and day,

She struggles of fear.

Saying to myself,


Why am I here..!!?

Knowing am I doing

Right or wrong.


I face my fear like there is NO


The tree looks sad asking her

Why are you doing this to yourself.?


The day set of beauty is the light

Of the day

In which you well not come

Back today..!








This poem makes me...
  • Think (54%)
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  • Somber (23%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
  • Inspired (23%)
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