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Stuck Between Colors

Stuck Between Colors

by:Ken’Yonna Taylor

you say this is your time

theirs a fine line

between your time and my time

this is our time

you see me as black

and you think i see you as white

but i only see you as a person

that i no longer want to fight

we live in a world

where there used to be colored

but now its black and white

listening to the stories

it all seemed like a big fright

unlike some people who ran away

i will stay

i will fight fight for my rights

to be black in this crazy world

youre stuck between color lines

some people think im color blind

but im not

i just don judge people

by what color they are

i only accept people for who they are

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (4%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (13%)
  • Inspired (70%)
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