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by Mya Finau


She pours me breakfast cereal
at 12:01 AM.

Sitting on her counter,
I begin to vent.

She nods as she listens
to everything I have to say.

I refuse to go home tonight
“Go ask your dad if I can stay.”

Her hazel eyes
talk to mine.
She knows exactly what I need.

She turns the volume up to nine,
though the neighbors don’t agree.

Loudly, the music speaks
all the words we couldn’t find

and long after music’s over
lyrics linger in my mind.

We’re always out too late

and we’re always out of line,

but bad decisions make good stories

so we’re never home on time.

Together we felt alive
even when the night would end.

I’d trust her with my life,
she is the greatest best friend.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (5%)
  • Smile (31%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (1%)
  • Feel a Connection (12%)
  • Inspired (51%)
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