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Town? No friendly neighbors No playing children Only a family who sits in their house with their unused hearts No words are exchanged No eyes meet Only angry scowls of love forgotten folk No teenage romances No courage to make…

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Night Roads

Those long drives in the darkness of night When no one has anything to say We sit in companionable silence, our hearts light The faint sounds of classic rock play And I rest my cheek on the glass Comforted by…

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Why Care?

Why do we care about understanding Never do we get answers, we only get questions. Soon those will become overwhelming. They cause us to change our view on basic creations. Our drive to learn, our drive to explore, expands like…

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Break out

When you're sad, What is the reason Is it being in the big city, Or are you sad for another reason. you can escape sadness, Just take one step out Then happiness shall come easily. You shall do what you…

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