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education; I wake up at 6:45am then I come to school with my supplies to study and learn for my education so I can graduate and get me a good job for when I get out I won’t have to…

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At 7:00 Am,I go through scanning I go eat breakfast Lockers look like they are never used Teachers have smiles on there faces My high school is a Military ground Lables like stupied and nerd I am none of those…

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all night

from eight until late I think about you you own my nights I don't know what to do i cant get no rest cant get sleep this whole thing got way to big and we should , stop making a…

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More than just a mom

More than just a mom Beep Beep it wakes her every morning at 5:00 am To make breakfast for a man she wishes to change his ways When he leaves she cares for her kids She’s more than just a…

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Caught Up & Moving

I got in trouble in school. This was last year. Music in my head all the time. I got caught smoking, drinking, and ditching. Missed too much school. I got tickets, calls home, and arrested. My dad found out. He…

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How my days go

At 5:00 am i wake up too start my day at U.S Grant. I get out of bed and walk straight to the bathroom and brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth i eat some breakfast. After breakfast i get…

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Why ?

As I look into the mirror I think to myself Why am I so fat ? Why am I not like them ? They’re everything Everyone else wants Their hair flows down their Back perfectly They wear no makeup While…

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