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“Ten Seconds”


“Ten Seconds”

By: Taylor Hayes

Ten Seconds 

My heart pounds

Like the beat of the drum

I can hear screams

Coming from the untouched lungs

Ten Seconds 

The spirits creep into the morning due

The footsteps sneaking up behind you

His true identity is revealed

Peened up against the wall

Thinking where has my life gone

The ten seconds take me back to my pass

And I cry out

Wishing he was damned to me

Ten Seconds 

Her heart twinkles

But with a discrete damn you

Flashback goes through her head

About the ten seconds

He had her penned to a bed

The things that a sister likes I

Had to go threw

They think it’s easy

But the Ten Seconds

Showed the true fights we black women go through

Ten Seconds 

I was young and dumb

Trying to find my way out the ghetto

I was nieve wanting a piece of freedom

From the old me

Ten Seconds 

That man was a hero to my land

So I thought he was holding my hand

But he stabbed me in the back

I was that girl in the mist of trouble

He stands

Hear the cry from those feeling sorry for me

The children are what keep me caring

He scared me for life

Even though it was only Ten Seconds 

The Ten Seconds seemed to last

For 1000’s of years

Miserable years

Those Ten Seconds 

Helped me to grow

It might not be all smiles on your side

But the growth that has came over me

Made me finally realize

The Ten Seconds had been over

For years now.

I Cant move on, On from the Ten Seconds

The Ten Seconds Are Over

This poem makes me...
  • Think (36%)
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  • Somber (36%)
  • Surprised (27%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
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