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That Is Me

That Is Me

By: Suleiby Gomez

That is me,the one who all ways feels alone in this small word.
Not having both of your parents,people moving me around,
not trusting anyone cause if you say something they will make
a big deal of it.

That is me,the one who says lies about how I feel! When people
ask me “how are you” I would say “I’m fine” but in my head. I
am,”Broke,Useless,Alone,Clueless,Confused,Empty,Crushed. I
feel like I’m going to just fall apart at any time.”

That is me that person who people judge me by my cover you
don’t even know me.Scared of coming to school cause people
calling me Ugly,Fat,Stupid,Etc….. The night where I cry until I
sleep cause of the pain that people cause.


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