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That Odd Man

That Odd Man

By: Jacob Chappell

Walking as if something is wrong

Talking like men playing cards on a Friday night

Begging like a hungry stray dog,

No one answering him as if he’s invisible


Nothing to do but work,

He tries harder and harder

But they take him away, anyways

Children trying to help

But he did this to himself

No one feeling bad for him.


Trying to teach children a lesson,

About how drugs did him,

And how it left him nothing

But the hair apon his head


Drugs ruined him

Like a wet piece of bread

No one there for him

Because he did this to himself


Him, never happy, begging for a life to live

But will never work for anything

But another hit of heroine


I try to stay away from him,

He will get you also,

The same way they got him.


I never liked him

No one should

Because he’s hooked like a fish

And will get you to if you hang with him


His eyes like a traffic light,

Burning in the rain

It makes you sad just looking at him

Because he has no hope

Because drugs ruined him

Just like they’ll ruin you

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