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That Place

Kameron Williams. Poet Warrior.

That Place


Here in this place where

Arguments never end

And here is the place where

My life began

Home the place where

I live…home

The location where I know

This is where madness romes

The area there isnt worth a bill

But if you look out the window

There is one huge hill

Chicago oh what a place

The location where people are

Afraid  for others to see their face

Where I lived it wasn’t much of a big house

Everyone knows when

You hear that sound…

Leave the scene like a

Tiny mouse

There’s the babymomma

Next door getting beat on

By her man

But yet her kids don’t know

The dangers at hand

Twice a week you see

Those red, blue, and white lights flash

All because the man

On the corner is just

Making some cash

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