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The Best of You
By: Melody Scott
Standing Rock Reservation, SD

Always remember who you are in moments of struggle of fear Never forget or give up on the hopes and dreams you hold all dear
Whenever you smile at me I smile back at you and say why smile when you can always hug
There’s a mountain before you will feel you can never climb the distance is frightening, but I know you can make it on the other side if only you try
Be the best of you be the person you want to be just remember to be yourself and be the best of you
When its your birthday always remember you are the special one on your very own birthday
If you are scared I will be always be there to protect you even when I am not there always remember someone will always be there by your side and keep you safe
When you are lonely I will always be there to be by your side to keep you not so lonely there will be someone there
If you are cold and sad I will be there by your side to keep you warm, safe, and happy someone will be there to keep you warm and safe

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