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The Bond with My Dad

The Bond with My Dad

By:  Reann Hardy


My special memory about him is going to the basketball court on weekends or when I don’t have school to play basketball.

I am like my dad because we both like to play sports and be outdoors and have fun. He likes to play football and baseball. He also loves to take very long walks with me every day and talk about how the day was.

My dad wishes for me to get a good education and a good job that I stick with for the rest of my life.

He  treats me nicely, and he is always there when I need him. He is funny, kind of tall, and he has hair that is light brown when the sun hits it. Every day he wears cowboy clothes and cowboy boots.

Sometimes he likes to cook out when our basketball or football teams are playing, or even on special events like birthdays or on graduation parties. We cook at relatives’ houses or parks, and we  eat hamburgers, hot dogs and stew. We play volleyball, football and basketball and have a great time.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (17%)
  • Somber (9%)
  • Surprised (15%)
  • Feel a Connection (28%)
  • Inspired (17%)
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