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The Brother I Lost

Note: Poet Warriors write with truth and purpose; this poem contains strong language, graphic details or sensitive subject matter.

The Brother I Lost

By : Zuleyma  Cruz


Blueberry that was his nickname

I knew him because of my  friend Monica

That was her boyfriend.

The crew decide to call him like this because

When he got in fights he gets purple and kind of blue color.  This guy was always on the streets

looking for trouble. Blueberry he was a white boy pretty cute guy.

This guy turned out to be like my family, a friend, a best friend, but one day

he decided to go to this 15 party of some girl called Karla. So he went there. The things I heard was that

he was drunk, high he was really crazy that day. This guy blueberry as soon as he got out of the salon of this 15 party:

There was some guys. They were all around him. He didn’t know them so he was talking to them.

I mean he was drunk.

Then after he finished talking, the guys took him to some club

and got more drunk.

Then they got out of the club and he decide to tell them

Can y’all take me home

And the moment when he said that he got shot

They shot him right in the heart.

But that’s not all.

I know this is crazy but they…cut him in pieces and put him in a bag.

He was in a gang and they were also, too.

Blueberry that was his name.

I knew him because of my friend Monica.

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