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The Change

The Change

  Everything Changed when I

Heard my older brother was in a shooting.

My heart dropped to the Ground.

I Felt Like I Lost my other half. I ran to an abandon House

By the Oklahoma City River. I Got to the old rusty house It had Broken Windows

Torn up Wood. I sat On the Porch and Looked

At The Trees and Birds Flying Around.

Woosh!! a Cool breeze Blew thru. The Water turned in to waves as

I cry, I shut my eye to Scream At the Light blue Sky. I curse at the sky and watching

The clouds Flow away. As I wonder why things

happen I look up and look in to the river. I see myself and my Brother

I Smile and I looked up And heard the train so I got up

And ran to my little house and I Open the door I seen The phone im my mothers

Hand. As I walk to her She Smiles, she opens Her mouth and

says “He Is Okay!” As I lost Control I drop to the floor

I landed on the carpet and Started to cry with joy that I haven’t Lost Him!

Everytime I wanna lose control. I just Go To that old, broken, abandon house by the

Oklahoma City River To just Scream and Let GO of my Feelings!!

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (13%)
  • Somber (50%)
  • Surprised (13%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
  • Inspired (13%)
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