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The City Of Brotherly Love

Title: The City Of Brotherly Love
By: Brittan Butler
From: Haddonfield Friends School, Haddonfield, NJ

Polluting shadows into the air.
Releasing brightness nowhere to be found.
Dusty ole’ cardboard in the hands of a scrawny hobo lying on the ground.
Powerful words reaching through my eyes.
“Help I am homeless”.
Hushed in the back of my mind.
Shards of ice trimming threw his prickly bare feet.
Big beautiful brown eyes snappingabroadinaheartbeat.
Green Lights glisten to c r u i s e s l o w l y.
The world is self-centered and some are lonely.
So one more grey hair I flew by with nothing to give.
I’m curious each day if that elder has lived.
My life is perfect it may seem.
Because I go to a private school some people couldn’t dream.
Dwelling under bricks.
Refreshed by liquids.
And sizzling hot dinners that are super delicious.
The streets are taking over authorities may say.
The homeless are becoming narcoleptic and frantic for pay.

So till this day I repeat in my mind.
This line of gratefulness that can never be defined.
What a shame, What a shame.
I am blessed to live this life everyday.
And if it wasn’t for that moment I would have to take the blame.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (56%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (25%)
  • Inspired (19%)


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