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The Community Man

The Community Man

By: Caitlyn May

He smiles everyday,

No matter what happens.

He is as happy as a happy face,

That never ever frowns.


He always gives to the needy,

He is a Christian man.

He goes to church every Sunday,

And prays whenever he can.


He always helps out in the community,

Injoy and the Decans.

He gave to charities.

And gave to the homeless.


Whenever I am sad,

He always makes me smile.

He is the only person,

That I could never be mad at.


I would feel like I don’t belong,

And he would tell me why I do.

He would never let anyone be sad,

And if he did,

He would find a way to fix it.


But when he died,

I cried so much.

He was my only friend,

When I didn’t have one.


Mr. Kim was a popular man,

He knew every soul.

But now that he isn’t here,

Our heart is missing a whole.


We miss you Mr. Kim!

You are always in our hearts!

We miss you Mr. Kim!

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