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The Concrete Jungle

The Concrete Jungle
by Da’Jai Saunders

We were built for one and one reason only.
Drugs placed.
And nowhere to place the plates.

But that was outside 27th street
inside it was the total opposite.
Warmth and loving while outside it was
mold and thugging.

Being from North Philadelphia had its perks.
You prowled like  a lion and could smell
when danger lurks.

No remorse for those done wrong but prayers for those prosecuted
A place where not one person seen but everybody heard it.

So if you visit
come correct
don’t fumble
Cus’ you are now entering

the concrete jungle.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (33%)
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  • Somber (44%)
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  • Feel a Connection (11%)
  • Inspired (11%)
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