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The Deep Blue

The Deep Blue 

By: Bailey Hicks


The hot, gritty sand

Beneath my feet is a

Weird, but relaxing feeling

I come here, to the Deep Blue

In times of need or comfort


This place, this magical place

Is like my second home

The salty water from the Deep Blue

Runs through my veins

That smell, that fishy smell

Is displeasing to the stomach

But it just adds to the atmosphere


It’s amazing how something

Can change in an instant

Waves crashing, boards snapping

Sand flying in the air

The Deep Blue now

Dark Grey


People running, running

To save their belongings

The calm, beautiful sea is now

A hungry monster, wanting to

Destroy everything in its path

This place, once paradise

Is now a mad house


But what I see is different

I see the perfect time to go in

Its like the sea is calling me

It’s saying “Come to me,

Come to me and have fun”


And when I go

Its like the world stops

Just me and the sea

No one can stop me

No more worries, doubts

About anything in life


I think all people

Should come to the Deep Blue

But not everyone sees

What I see


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