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The Diamond

The Diamond
by Aaron Gerlach

Just smell the crisp summer air
The hot sun beating down on you.
Listen to the murmur of the crowd
As they wait for the game to start.
The dirt newly raked and dragged
The smell of the fresh cut grass
The aroma of sunflower seeds
Drifts across the field.
You can almost taste the hotdogs and popcorn
From the stand behind the field.
Shadows race across the field
Playing a fun game of tag
As the teams warm up.
It’s the perfect summer day
Warm breeze, green grass
A grand, blue sky with great freckles.
As game time approaches
The excitement builds.
The teams line up, down line and down line
And stand and salute the stars and the stripes.

When the game has begun, and it’s my turn to smash
I step up to the plate
Thoughts race through my head.
My heart starts to pound.
I take it all in, and then I calm down.
It’s just him and me, a game played by 2
I’ll take it 1 pitch at a time
That’s what I’ll do!
After that’s done I’ll take my place on the field
Either at spot #3 or atop my dirt throne.
And we’ll take turns like this
Until the game is won.
After it’s done we all shake hands,
Go sit in the stands,
And wait for our next turn to play.
Just like a place, the diamond’s my home
I’d rather be there
On a sweet summer day,
A crisp autumn night
Or bright spring afternoon.
Nothing is better to me than
America’s Great Game.

This poem makes me...
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