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The Dream

The Dream

By: Mackenzie Camidge


I was walking through a field of grassy meadows.

As I walked, I saw something in the distance. It was a table.

I wen’t over to it and stared. I saw something on a plate.

A hamburger.

I sat down on one of the two mahogany chairs.

I looked down at the hamburger, lifted it up, and took a bite.

As I chewed it, I looked over the grassy fields and noticed an object.

It was an animal.

Was it a cow?

A horse?

It was a bull.

It suddenly charged straight at me and as I attempted to get up, I banged the once neat mahogany chair to the ground in a clash and it hit the leg of the table.

When I managed to get up, I turned to run, but I hit a wall.

I turned the other way.

A wall

LeftRightUpDown, they were all walls.

I had realized I was trapped.

Just me. And the bull.

The bull charged toward me, and its humongous horns pierced through my chest and pinned me against the wall.

Blood trickled down my body, into a small puddle.

I screamed.

Then, I woke up and realized it was all a dream.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (6%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (50%)
  • Feel a Connection (22%)
  • Inspired (11%)
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