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The Dream House

The DreamĀ House

by rayvon martinez


I always think

Of a place that I specially like

Candy, chips, soda, food


All together

Eating away like a pig

But sadly

My mom or someone snap out of it


It smell fresh and every floor

Look like it was meant for me


It is a house where there are chips, soda, candy waiting for me on the table I describe, gingerbread house, ice-cream dog, chair as sour candy, cat of skittles.


Clock of Hershey almonds

Pizza table

Hot spicy buffalos wing couch

Gummy bear statues everywhere in the house


Candy kisses hat

Donuts cushion on the floor

Soda on the table coca cola, dr. pepper , mountain dew, Pepsi, root beerĀ  and root beer floats.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (1%)
  • Smile (8%)
  • Somber (91%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
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