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The Equal Race

Chanel Malone-Ridgnal. Poet Warrior.

The Equal Race


The Equal Race

They always have different personalities

From what you wish until reality

Like if you’re not the

The right RACE

As I walk down the street

I wonder who the victim be me or you

We will never know the truth

You mess around as you try to find a crowd

Who won’t smash you to the ground

Like a feather to a brick we know which

Ones we can’t fix

They can be wonderful but

You will never know how the murders will go

So if you frown in the wrong town

You get beat or tower down

If i stay the pain will never go away

From once being happy

To being very unordinary too

But the race you are will never go away

Embrace it while you can

Because when it’s gone it’s gone and never coming back

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