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The Eye Is Blind

By : Tyann London

 The little old lady across the street

she’s viewed quiet as a mouse

but they don’t know mice creep

she’s a piece of extreme sour straws

sweet but too sweet it taste acerbic

everyday waving at the children

what’s behind that smile?

the poisonous snakes

snarling at whoever

but no, she hides them

hides them with her smile

and her walk

her walk shows a cry for help

the mind screams booby trap

but the eyes can’t resist

run to help

tripping over pity

smashed face

crashing into a pile of snakes

This poem makes me...
  • Think (5%)
  • Smile (26%)
  • Somber (21%)
  • Surprised (28%)
  • Feel a Connection (9%)
  • Inspired (12%)
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