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The Game

The Game

By Anonymous


The rave these days

Is the game they play


The game?


The game of the shining silver blade

The blade that takes the pain away

With more pain


Every once in awhile

On the glowing screen of a phone

On some social media site

You see people taking

Daring chances with the game of the blade

Some even gone


Lost their life.

Somewhere, maybe even on your street

Somebody, Someone

Is sobbing

Or just let out a sigh

A sigh as they are

Battling with the temptation


Soon to lose


That wicked blade gets its sensation

As a thick line of red appears on their thigh


Once again a sigh


The teary eyes

Belonging to that one friend

The one


That never stopped caring.


The questions asked

About the scars

The screaming reply that nobody cares.


You let them know that you care

You embrace them in a hug

You never stopped caring




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  • Somber (43%)
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