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The Great Salt Lake

The Great Salt Lake

By: Nakisha Dickie

On one great sunny day

We headed off to the Great Salt Lakeā€¦

When we got there, the water

Was shiny like crystal.

As the water flowed it reminded

Me of how the wind blows.

Spending time with my aunt and family

Is like a huge Sequoia tree growing,

Flowers blooming, Birds chirping across

The blue sky, and

When everything is nice and calm

Standing there alone and noticing the

Sound of a sail boat drifting, moving the

Water, waves crashing against huge rocks.


This poem makes me...
  • Think (16%)
  • Smile (14%)
  • Somber (9%)
  • Surprised (10%)
  • Feel a Connection (15%)
  • Inspired (36%)
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