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The Greatest Country in the World

The Greatest Country in the World
by Amary Fall
Haddonfield, NJ

Snow Glistening
Wind Sizzling,
Blue Sky’s
Not a single Cry,
What a great country it seems
Cause we try to be perfect by all means,
A new black shot everyday,
and no one can put in their say,
Stand back and shut your mouth is what you have no choice to do,
As others are slaughtered in front of you
A white man can have 2 guns up
And nobody give a “fudge”
But the 8 yr old boy with a toy can be slain
And the judge doesn’t feel the pain the parents do as their child was taken away from them
It’s not fair to steal the life of a black a child away from this world
Just cause your a discriminative bigot.

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