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The Mailman

The Mailman

By:Lusdy Ordonez



The Mailman the one that drops off your mail.
The one that wakes up every morning to deliver.
He who through snow,hotness,and rainy days still delivers.
He who may love his work.
The guy who packs his truck to deliver everyday.

Mailman, The guy who has that job to support himself or his family.
He’s just like a working machine.
The community needs him,but doesn’t notice him.
Without his service people won’t receive important stuff.
The same guy who still does his job,even though he is not noticed by his community.

People don’t notice his hard work or dedication.
People appreciate every hard working person in your community.


This poem makes me...
  • Think (8%)
  • Smile (8%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (50%)
  • Inspired (33%)
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