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The old routine

The old routine

As a girl, I shared a routine with my family.
every Sunday morning
we would go to Chuck E Cheese
Always frowning at the loss of my games
I would hear laughing
Turning around i see my dad telling me it’s going to be ok

Waiting for the haha to come but It never came
My mom takes me in a ride thru the city
Till we reach a place with overgrown grass and gates
There sits my dad with chains on his feet looking
skinnier than a toothpick.
I run to hug him to feel safety and comfort but only
to feel skin and bones.

Waiting for his laughter to fill the room
But once again It never came.
waiting 3 years to hear but It’s only silence.
It’s like his joy inside has been dead for a long time.

The little girl within me Is waiting for her dad to laugh and
have the joy to live again.
Dad I miss when you would laugh at my jokes making me feel
like I was his favorite comedian.
Telling me not to give up when I’m about to fall.
For him to always try his best to make me and my sisters happy.
for him to never give up himself
for me to have my dad back.
And only one more time to hear the

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