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The Old Water Tower

The Old Water Tower

By: Taneika Ashley

My favorite place to be is at an old abandoned water tower.

I get a wonderful view of the Navajo reservation, it has brown flat land

And in the distance, red mesas.

While I sit in that old tower I see a stampede of brown, white, and black


Sometimes after dinner I go there to see the sun set, it has an orange,

Reddish, purplish view, with the smell of frybread with its greasy, crispy

Scent coming from a person’s house nearby.

As night falls, I feel like a sad dog because I have to leave and get ready

for another day.

I know by the moonlight rising over the mesa, and my shadow

Beginning to disappear.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (27%)
  • Smile (36%)
  • Somber (9%)
  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (9%)
  • Inspired (9%)
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