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The Opposite Girl of Me

The Opposite Girl of Me
by Houa Vang

There’s a girl
the same age as me,
who loves taking pictures
or as you can say loves taking selfies.

She loves wearing Hmong earrings
that is silver.
Also, she would dance along
with Hmong elders
which you can said that
she is a sociable person.

When her family is going
or doing something outdoors,
she would tag along,
wanting to explore nature
like Rapunzel wanting to explore the outdoors
rather than staying and getting detain
in the tower.

Her ipod is an eye
that keep watch of what’s happening
In the world of Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
When someone comments or likes
her statuses or pictures,
it would pop up on the screen of her ipod
instantly catching her attention.

She’s a talkative person,
who would not be shy
who likes to express out her feelings and thoughts
is how my parents describe her.

The voice when singers sing sad songs
is what she sounds
when she sings.

We don’t usually talk much
even though we live so close to each other,
but coincidentally,
we would see each other
because of our mothers.
It’s not so rare seeing each other
since mostly Hmong parents know each other.

She might have hard moments
with family problems,
but I know she will always
put on a smile.

I don’t really know her name
of was it Sakura Xiong
or Houa Xiong.
It doesn’t matter which name
is her real name,
she will be the person that I know of
as the girl on the same street as me,
as the girl with the opposite characteristics
that I have.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (80%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
  • Inspired (20%)
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