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The Problem

By: Erika Palomino

Pioneer Charter School

A literary response to Langston Hughes’ poem “Dinner Guest: Me” and “Weary Blues”


Many African-Americans tell themselves,

“I Am The Negro Problem”

African-Americans just answering question of White minds,

We all wondering

How this started

Unforgiving sins going ’round

Wish I was dead…

Destroying black man’s soul

Many filled with sorrow


Mixed crowds coming to see

Dancing ’round gleefully

“Ain’t got nobody but ma’ self

Echoing through minds

We swaying lazily to our music

Worried what others think

Not showing ourselves

Cautious around white’s

Want no problem’s but do they too?


Problem isn’t solving itself…

Problem isn’t getting solved…


This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (11%)
  • Somber (22%)
  • Surprised (22%)
  • Feel a Connection (11%)
  • Inspired (22%)
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