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The Quiet Ones

The Quiet Ones

By: Greyson Huneycutt

They are the ones that dream about
What they’ll be
They like to stay up late
Not to talk to friends
Not to watch T.V.
But listen to the Earth
Looking at the stars
That are soon to disappear
because they feel
They like to watch the sunrise
Sometimes it is hard for them
To sleep
Even though
It is them
Who are the biggest of the dreamers
They like to go to the deepest
Of the woods
To see the flowers
Dance in the breeze
The trees swaying back and forth
To the beat
That the birds there sing
These people
Are freaks to some
Artistic to others
And nothing to you
But how can we say what they are
When we all are diamonds in the rough?
I say they are the brightest of the diamonds
Because it is them
Who change the world
With their unique minds
I love to see their work
I like the different ones
The quiet ones
in the room
Just as much as I like the loud ones
For the loud ones seem to be the ones
That show in the brightness of light
And the quiet showing in the darkness of the dark
The quiet ones
The bright ones
They are just like blossoms in the spring
Full of life
But not ready to show it
Just yet
Sometimes they wait a while
Like the blossoms that don’t bloom until summer
To show their beautiful
Sometimes they forget what they are worth
They they are like
Runners with no feet
Writers with no hands
Speakers without mouths
Like they have no point on the Earth
When really
They are worth everything
They are the ones that
Need to be reminded of this
For they don’t hear this a lot
Because they do not ask for attention
like the loud ones
The quiet ones
Are the ones that wait
They wait for the right time
To speak their deep minds
They like to wait a while
For this helps effect
The ones that are
Sometimes it surprise us
Sometimes it doesn’t
Because sometimes we don’t
Notice them
The quiet ones
The excuse for this is that there are mixtures
Loud and Quiet
And it can be hard to figure out
What they are
Which one they could be
But don’t forget
Even if you are
A mixture
A loud
Or a
Quiet one
It doesn’t matter
WE  all have power
That people don’t know of
WE all have power we don’t see
WE all have talent that is hard to beat
And sometimes it doesn’t comes out
Until the end of our time
Because that is when it is needed the most

This poem makes me...
  • Think (17%)
  • Smile (17%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (17%)
  • Feel a Connection (17%)
  • Inspired (33%)
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