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The Real War

The Real War

by Delvonte Austin


No matter what comes from the muscle of your mouth

Your parents just don’t stand for the words that come out

Battles and war erupt

No matter what you don’t want to be compared to.

They don’t see your hurt, pain, and depression.


They don’t seem to understand your life.

But it seems like they don’t even want to recognize

Even when you give your all.

To make a short story in your heart

It feels like they’re telling you to throw in the towel

Life means nothing anymore.

But they don’t see what you go though at school

Like being tormented by everything you do

Afraid to speak up

Think about what will happen.


Life seems hopeless do I blame GOD for putting me in this WAR called LIFE”???




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  • Somber (14%)
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  • Feel a Connection (86%)
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