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The Reason Why

Taisa Masalosalo-Masuda

I called you the other night

You didn’t answer,

I guess its alright

I should be used to it by now,

Just a small dim on my light

The tiny flame that hardly exists

but yet, I still refuse to fight

Assuming to believe that maybe,

maybe, you just might

Remember the times when

I would cry,

and you would hold me tight

Or when you would take me out of school

and we would fly our kite

We were unaware and carefree

man, we were tight

We were closer than most would be

But now, that’s all in black and white

Its all in the past,

Those memories took flight

But still, even if you don’t remember

I will,

So I’ll never lose sight

of the reason why

I call you every other night.

This poem makes me...
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  • Somber (95%)
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  • Feel a Connection (5%)
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