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The River

The River

By: Greyson Huneycutt

It’s a beautiful place
One to believe it has this feeling,
Of peace and relaxation
For when you listen
To the song it creates
Think of it
As a soft
Gentle river
With a group of riverbed stones
With green grass
Blue sky
Beautiful humming birds flying high
Buzzing songs
With other meadow birds sorrowing over
With this piece of happiness that
Cannot be explained
When you listen to this song
This place creates
You feel the sun
The heat on your body
Like a simple summer feeling
But, not yet a feeling of spring
You don’t feel the rain that is actually
Pouring down around you
You act as though it isn’t there
For when you listen to this song
You don’t see
The real place
For this place isn’t what you consider beautiful
It is
And has this coldness
On the back of your neck
Creeping down your spine
For where ever this river is
There is only darkness
No beautiful sun
Just rain
That seeps on your skin
Leaving you
You only see in black and white
Sometimes grey
This river is not the same
So unlike the river you dreamt of
There is no blue sky
It is black
There is no green grass
It is grey

I see this beautiful place
As redemption
It shows me the difference of simplicity
How diverse of thoughts we have

This place connects to wide roads
That have street lamps that
You wish would guide you home
But no,
That is not what happens
It does not lead you home
But sends you down this dark
Twisting road that seems as though
It goes on for eternity
Just like the universe
It is never ending

You can’t see the creatures that make
The howls in the dark
For you wish they were dear puppies
That are happy in their places
Just them barking
At nothing
But no
They are not
They are wolves
Grey wolves
Hungry wolves
Ready to find prey
Ready to eat
You do not see how complex
this place is
Because you darling
love simplicity
I wish you understood
What it is that I am getting at
I know you don’t

You don’t even understand
The song
This place has created
Because it is not even a song!
It is a dream
But is isn’t even a dream!
It is my memories
Memories of feeling peace in the
Strangest of things

That you guys don’t understand
For there things in this world
That I find beautiful
But you would never look at in that sense
Because it is you who will not
Even look at something if it is
Even a little bit different

You turn away
Act as though you have never seen it
Because your minds are so naive
In a way that is so child-like
It makes me sick

Because if you actually
Understood this place
And went there
What it is
You would know how beautiful
It is
As it




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