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The Sand

The Sand

By Alicia Getty


She stood at the top

Looking down on the foamy blue below

The gleam of the Pacific Ocean calling her name


The rock was a dark, solid sponge

Lifting her up into the salty air

She ignored the discomfort in her feet

For she felt like the ocean Princess

Standing on her pedestal


Ruling the world


Wind rustled the palm trees in the distance

She was lost in the sound

Island birds sang to her

It was by far her favorite song


She stepped off


She came alive

The ocean seemed to grow

And adrenaline coursed through her veins


The saltwater embraced her

A shock sent through her body


Tied to the ocean

Yet completely free


Her lungs expanded

The surface parted for her

She emerged and made her way

to the hot sand

As she walked, it stuck to her legs


The fiery light above

The sweet moisture on her skin


She was stuck to the island


Like the grains of sand stuck to her legs


This poem makes me...
  • Think (8%)
  • Smile (17%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (17%)
  • Feel a Connection (33%)
  • Inspired (25%)
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