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The spot

By : Marisela Ochoa


As I Walk Down The “U” Turn Street I Can Already See Roses On The Floor While I Stare At Them.

I Hear A Dog Barking Outside The Gate.

As I Get Closer I Feel My Hands Getting Sweaty.

My Heart Beating Fast.

Tears Already Coming Down My Face.

I Can Still Hear My Grandmas Voice Even Though She’s Not Around Anymore.

I Finally Get To The “Spot”.

Again I See The Roses I Left The Night Before.

Bees Buzzing Around The Blood Red Roses As I Try To Make Them Fly Away.

I Can Hear My Giggles In My Head Like The Ones I Use To Have When I Would Laugh With My Grandma.

I Sit Down Next To Her And Feel The Poking Grass Stabbing My Legs.

I Don’t Move At All Because It Doesn’t Hurt Anymore After All The Times I Come And Sit Next To Her.

Time Passes The Night Gets Darker And Colder.

“Its Time For Me To Leave Grandma “, I Tell Her While I Pick Myself Up.

I Can Feel Bumpy Goose Bumps All Over My Body Knowing Im Leaving Her Once Again.

I Wipe My Tears Away Because I Know Tomorrow Is A New Day To Come see My Grandma Again ..



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