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The Struggle of a Single Parent

The Struggle of a Single Parent

by Logan Elliott


Not too many people can say they’re life is perfect, because its not.

We all have problems we all have our ups and downs but we never just sit and frown.

The struggle of a single parent is probably one of the hardest things any parent has to go through.

My mom is a single parent.

She is the hardest working person I know, all she does is work and try to make money to make our lives better from what it used to be.

Nobody knows the struggle until you go through it and trust me you don’t want to through it.

I’ve been the man of the house since I was 10.

Its been 7 years since my dad walked out on us.

There comes a time when you can’t hide the bruises, busted lips and the heart breaks.

Your heart will always seem to ache, not because of your pain but for your mothers pain.

It hurts me still today that my mom is a single hard working parent.

The struggle of waking up in the morning making breakfast on a cold winter day.

The struggle of worrying wether or not your gonna make to the first of the month.

The struggle of being home alone in a tough neighborhood with thugs and gangsters that would try to do anything to hit a lick.

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