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The Thuggish Kid

The Thuggish Kid

By: Nesha Grant

He sold dope with his patna when he was 14.

He robbed people who worked an arm and leg for their money.

He fought because his anger was gnawing at him to the point where it taunted him.

He was suspended multiple times from school because he threatened to stab his favorite teacher.

He dropped out of school in 9th grade just as life was starting to slap him in the face with all the bad he has done.

He was sent to jail for assaulting his best friend that he knew since Pre-K.

After his mother passed away of cancer, he had nobody left to pull him back from depression.

Her last words were “Son, Please Do Better”.

He fell apart and wept like a baby.

He took his mothers words and enrolled back in school.

The “Best friend” he assaulted turned out to be his first love.

She helped him stay active in school and become a person he didn’t ever see himself becoming.

Who ever knew a thuggish kid can be at the top of his class and smart as he is.

He walked the stage on June 4th, 2013 with a smile that lit many faces.

His only wish was to see cheers of joy rolling down his mother face, but he knows that she is looking down at him and smiling.

He heard many hands come together just for him.

For once in his life, he felt accepted and loved.

He felt an ease of pain.

He was accepted into Rice University with a SAT score of 2384 and a $50000 scholarship.

He was ready to make his dream come true as being a world renowned doctor.

Just as he was moments away from arriving to Rice University, he was shot in the chest twice.

He died on the scene.

He can now be in his mother’s arm, telling her stories of his life after her passing days.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (8%)
  • Smile (3%)
  • Somber (63%)
  • Surprised (10%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
  • Inspired (18%)
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