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The Woman

The Woman
By Amya Foster-Jose

I always wanted
to know this
lady that always
walk down my
street she
wears normal
clothes but
where do she
works I think
she an undercover
cop because she’s
quiet like a mouse
she never talks t
to no one but
her red wagon
it’s kinda of weird
but it’s her way
of living
she never
a smile
a big fat
smile is
what I
always want
see but
she’s down
at the
with a
big fat
the reason
I think
she’s sad
is because
of her
job or it
might be
her boss or
but sooner
I should
know to
how to make
her happy
and see
her way
threw the dark
to bright
and wonderful
sun in front
of her

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (31%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (25%)
  • Feel a Connection (25%)
  • Inspired (6%)
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