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The youths view

The Youths View

by Remy Losoya

As a kid alone in my own time,

I become intricate syndicate of using words given to me by the earth,

I watch like a flock of birds as men and women moving in herds,

towards the house of lords known as the government, I never recall asking for none of it,

as I can see all people who don’t bother, but most only have one mother,

“liberty” and for those who see past the pain,

without nothing to gain,

just trying to stay sane,

surviving with just enough money to just buy noodles,

its just hard to maintain the stain of life and restrain going insane. . . .

Like the mark of Cain we have created a sin, the disease of the skin known as the law that always curing around like the devils claw,

sometimes I feel like I’m the only philosopher telling the truth that was founded by just one single youth. . 


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