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Then We Depart

Then We Depart

By: Kenya Reece

It’s green and tan everywhere you go
Unless you go at night then you
Just see the city’s lights.

We never hear a day without

Trucks coming near.

We focus on why we are here
Most families come & go but only
Because they need to grow.

We are one big happy family that needs to be together
When we’re mad
When we’re sad

Instead of a Prius, We see tanks in parking lots
Instead of suits, We see ACU’s
This is how we’re different from you,
We make mistakes, but we’re still human,
just like you

We have lived in foreign countries
We have lived on small islands

The World is a maze
And we might get lost
But then

Everything happens for a reason

Then we Depart.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (38%)
  • Somber (10%)
  • Surprised (21%)
  • Feel a Connection (14%)
  • Inspired (6%)
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